Siegtal Pur

Every year, the Siegtal Pur – car-free Sieg valley event – guarantees undisturbed cyclingenjoyment. Every first Sunday of July , the L 333 rural road through the Sieg valley is closed to motorised transport over a distance of 120 km from Siegburg to Netphen.
All along the route, musical events and street parties are organised.
Closure: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Bus and train connections

The Rhein-Sieg public transport service organises special, additional shuttle trains for this event. Carriages are also provided for transporting bicycles.


Besucherzentrum Naturregion Sieg
Schönecker Weg 3, 51570 Windeck
Tel.: +49 (0)2292.19433

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