Markings along the Natursteig Sieg hiking trail
The Natursteig Sieg hiking trail is marked with a white S on a blue background.
Access trails to the Natursteig Sieg hiking trail
On all access trails, the white S is marked on a yellow background. These are linking trails between the Natursteig Sieg and town/village centres and railway stations.
Route logo (except Stadtrundgang Eitorf)
The Sieg Adventure Trails are signposted with red markings. The markings display a white S on a red background.
Signposts are for orientation purposes and provide information about the distance to the next town/village, the nearest railway station or the next stop-off point.
Marking rules
Applied clearly within view of the walker. At a height of at least 2 metres (with exception of marking posts) at approx. every 200 metres, so-called ‘confirmation marks’ have been applied, to show walkers ‘You are still on the right track’. After every direction change, not more than 50 m following the turnoff, additional ‘confirmation marks’ have been applied.